A First Look at Our Dashboard

In a world that is witnessing an unprecedented surge in the adoption of cryptocurrencies, the need for powerful analytics and user segmentation tools has become more apparent than ever.

ChainAware.ai is an AI powered big data tool specializing in predictive analytics and crypto wallet monitoring, stands tall as a revolutionary platform designed to address these demands.

The ChainAware.ai Dashboard

We invite you to explore what awaits you in our robust dashboard, where precision meets innovation, offering a dynamic space where you can harness the deep insights necessary to drive your Web3 initiatives to success. Here, we outline the exhilarating features that await you on the ChainAware.ai dashboard.

Credit Scoring: Unlocking Financial Reliability

Our background in the decentralized lending, coupled with the vast experience of our founders, Martin and Tarmo, has culminated in a sophisticated credit scoring system.

On our dashboard, you can find detailed insights into the creditworthiness of various wallet owners. This feature serves as a valuable tool for platforms and individuals keen on exhibiting their financial reliability in the cryptocurrency sphere.

Whether you are a lender looking for credible borrowers or an investor seeking transparency, our credit scoring feature enables you to make informed decisions with confidence.

Fraud Scores: Your Shield Against Deceptive Transactions

Fraudulent activities are a looming threat in the crypto space, and at ChainAware.ai, we’ve dedicated ourselves to combating this menace. Our dashboard offers you access to real-time fraud scores, a feature fortified by AI algorithms capable of detecting fraudulent patterns with a staggering success rate of 98%. As you navigate through our dashboard, you’ll be equipped with the tools to identify and avoid potentially fraudulent transactions, thereby securing your assets and maintaining a clean slate in your crypto dealings.

Behavioral User Segmentation: A Marketer’s Goldmine

For Web3 marketing managers and influencers who aim to fine-tune their strategies, our user segmentation feature is nothing short of a goldmine. Dive deep into analytics that reveal the past platform usage patterns of wallet owners. Leverage this data to target specific platform users, crafting personalized messages and marketing campaigns that resonate with your audience. Our dashboard provides you with a detailed breakdown of user segmentation metrics, offering an analytical lens to identify high-revenue potential clients and optimize marketing ROI.

Spotlight on Personalization

Imagine the possibilities when you can send tailored messages to users who have interacted with specific platforms. With ChainAware.ai, you can curate marketing campaigns that echo the preferences and behaviors of your target group, fostering engagement and elevating your brand’s resonance in the Web3 space.

A Gateway to Compliance and Development

The versatility of our products extends to Web3 Compliance Departments and Developers. Our offerings aid in monitoring crypto transactions and complying with regulations, thus fostering a safer and more compliant crypto environment. Developers can also tap into our rich data resources to build applications that are aligned with market demands and user preferences.

Stay Tuned for Insights and Updates

As we continuously evolve, we invite you to stay tuned for regular updates and real-life use cases that we share on our blog. Follow us on our social media channels to keep abreast of the latest developments and insights that can shape your strategies in the dynamic world of Web3.

Join us at ChainAware.ai, where we merge innovation with reliability, offering you a dashboard that is your gateway to the future of crypto analytics and user engagement. Let’s forge a future where data-driven decisions drive success and sustainability in the crypto landscape.

Unlock Your Crypto Potential

Experience the power of AI-driven solutions for enhanced security, personalized insights, and optimized crypto interactions.