101: Personalizing Web3 Marketing with

Discover how you can use to personalize marketing efforts for growth.

A crypto lending platform aims to refine its user outreach by making it more personalized. Broad marketing campaigns can feel impersonal and miss the mark. This is where’s segmentation tools come into play, offering a way to uncover anonymous users and create specific target audiences. By delivering personalized ads, the platform can boost conversion rates, retention, and revenue.

How’s Segmentation Tools Work employs advanced algorithms to analyze blockchain data and identify distinct user behaviors. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

  1. Data Collection: The system gathers data from various user interactions, such as transactions, lending, borrowing, and staking activities.
  2. Behavior Analysis: The AI analyzes this data to recognize patterns and categorize users based on their behaviors.
  3. Target Audience Creation: Users are segmented into different groups, like frequent borrowers, high-value lenders, or occasional users.
  4. Personalized Marketing: The platform then delivers personalized ads to each group, ensuring the messages resonate with their specific needs and interests.

Use Case: Enhancing Outreach for a Crypto Lending Platform

Scenario: A crypto lending platform wants to improve its marketing strategy. Instead of generic ads, it seeks to engage users with personalized messages.


  • Historical Data Analysis: reviews transaction histories to identify users regularly engaging in high-value lending.
  • Behavioral Patterns: The AI finds trends, such as users who frequently borrow at specific interest rates or those who consistently repay loans on time.
  • Segment Creation: Users are grouped into segments like “High-Value Lenders” and “Regular Borrowers.”
  • Targeted Ads: The platform creates tailored ads for each segment with High-value lenders receive exclusive offers on interest rates, while regular borrowers get personalized loan products.
Banner Configuration

Benefits of Personalized Marketing

  1. Increased Conversion Rates: Targeted ads are more likely to convert because they address the specific needs and interests of each user group.
  2. Improved User Retention: Personalized marketing fosters a sense of connection, encouraging users to remain active on the platform.
  3. Higher Revenue: By engaging users more effectively, personalized ads lead to higher spending and increased revenue.

Extending the Use Case: Beyond Crypto Lending Platforms

While the focus here is on a crypto lending platform,’s segmentation and 1:1 targeting tools are beneficial for any DeFi platform.


An NFT marketplace can use these tools to identify high-value collectors and frequent buyers. By analyzing user behavior, the marketplace can create segments and deliver personalized offers and recommendations. This approach increases user engagement and sales.

Enhancing User Experience

Personalized marketing isn’t just about pushing products; it’s about enhancing the user experience.

Scenario: A DeFi platform notices a drop in user engagement. Using, the platform segments users based on their interaction patterns and tailors its outreach to re-engage them.


  • Data Analysis: The platform identifies users who haven’t interacted recently.
  • Segment Creation: These users are segmented into a “Dormant Users” group.
  • Personalized Outreach: The platform sends targeted messages to this group, offering incentives to re-engage, such as special promotions or new feature announcements.

Real-World Success: Improving NFT Marketplace Engagement

An NFT marketplace wants to boost engagement and sales. By leveraging’s tools, it analyzes user interactions to identify trends and preferences.


  • Data Analysis: The AI finds that certain users frequently purchase digital art NFTs.
  • Segment Creation: These users are grouped into a “Digital Art Enthusiasts” segment.
  • Targeted Marketing: The marketplace sends personalized offers and exclusive previews of upcoming art drops to this segment, resulting in higher engagement and sales.


User segmentation and 1:1 targeting transform how DeFi platforms engage with their users. By uncovering anonymous users and creating targeted audiences, enables personalized marketing that boosts conversion rates, retention, and revenue.

This approach isn’t limited to crypto lending platforms; any DeFi platform can benefit. Whether it’s an NFT marketplace or a DeFi trading platform, personalized marketing strategies enhance user experience and drive growth.

In a world where data is king, leveraging tools like to understand and engage your users can make all the difference. Learn more: User Segmentation and Personalized Marketing

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